Outrage and Facebook seem to go hand-in-hand, but Mitch Joel points out, the difficulties of regulating a huge platform “where billions of people can really post essentially what they want” when any future content regulations will contain loopholes that will certainly be identified and exploited in the future.
Mitch is an author, visionary, and founder of Six Pixels Group – an advisory, investing and content producing company that is focused on brands, commerce, community and what’s next. He and I discuss the fact that there are no easy solutions when it comes to regulating or “Fixing” Facebook internally or externally.
In our full interview Mitch and I dig into many topics, including “the great compression” — Mr. Joel’s term for the transformation of digital commerce due the pandemic, how brands learned to “master the last mile” during this period, Facebook’s recent outage, ” the role of anonymity in consumer behavior, and other issues relevant to contemporary digital marketing.