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HomeUncategorizedLegal issues for 2020: Covid-19, Privacy and More.

Legal issues for 2020: Covid-19, Privacy and More.

The eMA had the privilege of interviewing several legal experts on hot legal topics for 2020. The full panel discussion is available below.

Topics covered included but were not limited to:

  1. Are there any employment law issues specific to the work-from-home movement being implemented to slow the spread of Covid-19?
  2. Some localities are implementing restrictions relating to employment as well as overall restrictions regarding office occupancy, any tips to employers and employees?
  3. What CCPA issues should be at the top of the list for Marketers, Agencies and Publishers?
  4. Invalid impressions, traffic, and advertising fraud remain of great concern to all the players in the ecosystem. Have there been any recent developments that the eMA members should be aware of?
  5. Does the impending death of the third-party cookie in Chrome have any legal implications from a privacy perspective?
  6. How does CCPA impact publishers, advertisers, and marketers differently?
  7. If 2020 sees a significant recession, are there any contract law issues that should be top-of-mind for marketers, agencies, and publishers? Contingent vs sequential liability for example or force majeure or dealing with bankruptcies?
  8. Email Marketing has now been joined by SMS, Browser Push, and App Notifications as digital channels of communication with customers and prospects. What privacy or other regulatory pitfalls should marketers be aware of within those channels or any other channels.

Moderator: Kevin Lee, Executive Chairman Didit, CEO eMarketing Association.


Randolph Gaw – Gaw | Poe


Gary Kibel – Davis & Gilbert https://www.linkedin.com/in/garykibel/

Allan Rooney – Rooney Nimmo https://www.linkedin.com/in/allanrooney/

Richard Santalesa – Sm@rtedgeLaw Group https://www.linkedin.com/in/rsantalesa/

Wendy Stryker – Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-stryker-01b3285/



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