Friday, January 24, 2025
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Kerel Cooper on Email in the Marketing Ecosystem

Every year, pundits proclaim that email is dead.  However, in the last few years not only has email come back with a vengeance, it’s become the replacement for the cookie in audience targeting.

Kerel Cooper is the CMO at Liveintent.  He and I discuss the role of email in the post-pandemic marketing ecosystem.

In the full interview we discuss how marketers can use email targeting both within the Liveintent platform and externally.

One of the areas we discuss is the importance of great ad creative, especially in performance-based campaigns. As it happens, Live Intent has a best practices eBook on the topic: “Drive display ad performance.” Of course as you’d expect, you’ll have to trade your email address to LiveIntent to get the eBook. A worthwhile barter.

(addendum) A great example of LiveIntent targeting showed up in my email inbox the evening I published this. I just finished Kara Goldin’s book Undaunted (she’s the Founder and CEO if Hint) and I’ll be interviewing her here next month. When I saw an ad served by LiveIntent in an HGTV email newsletter for Hint, direct shipped, I clicked and placed an order (my daughter loved the watermelon and I can never find the cases of that flavor in the supermarkets). I don’t think the Hint ad was re-targeted… But it may not have been luck either.

The other ad in the newsletter is also relevant to me as the NRF puts on marketing conferences. Email provides that power of relevance, beyond context.



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