The third-party cookie is dying. Marketers and agencies are freaking out. So are wall-street analysts (but for slightly different reasons). It’s never been entirely true that we can track at the PII level. The fidelity and precision of tracking has never been perfect, online or offline. But marketers have gotten used to the idea that third-party cookies and mobile device IDS were the glue that holds their marketing together, for both targeting and tracking.
Of course, many of those marketers are digital-only and have not engaged in direct mail or in offline traditional media buying. Media targeting has never been perfect even at it’s PII pinacle.
Oren Netzer, founder and CEO of cClearly, and I had a great conversation about the evolution of digital targeting.
In addition to opining on the future of targeting, we discussed how important geography is as a signal of demographics, psychographics, and intent. We also discussed how BtoB marketers should approach the WFH phenomenon, which may be here to stay.
The full interview is below: